Meet Dr. Sharad Paul: Visionary Behind NoToxMD

Meet Dr. Sharad Paul: Visionary Behind NoToxMD.

Dr. Sharad Paul, a renowned skin cancer surgeon, scientist, master formulator and Professor of Skin Biomedical Engineering, is the innovative force behind NoToxMD. With over a decade of dedicated research, Dr. Paul has spearheaded the development of this pioneering skincare line. His illustrious career is adorned with accolades and recognition for his profound contributions to dermatology and skincare. As a finalist for New Zealander of the Year and recipient of the highest honour from the New Zealand Medical Association, Dr. Paul's work has significantly impacted healthcare both nationally and internationally.

A Legacy of Innovation and Education

Dr. Paul's expertise extends well beyond the clinical setting; he is a respected educator and thought leader in the field of skin biology. Having seen over 100,000 patients and leveraging his extensive surgical training, Dr. Paul is recognised as a global leader in all aspects of skin treatment. His pivotal research, published in major journals such as Springer Nature, has advanced our understanding of skin aging and rejuvenation, establishing new paradigms in skin treatment.

Global Influence and Advocacy

Dr. Paul has published and lectured widely on skin cancer medicine and surgical procedures. His engaging TEDx talk, "The Myth of Race," discusses the evolutionary biology of skin and has captivated audiences worldwide, further establishing his role as an advocate for scientific education. His best-selling books, "Skin, a Biography" and "The Genetics of Health," have been translated into several languages, spreading his knowledge and insights across cultures.

Driven by a Vision for Safer, More Effective Skincare

Alarmed by the side effects of Botox and fillers he frequently encountered, Dr. Paul created NoToxMD. His vision, "to nurture skin through nature," reflects in NoToxMD being a science-driven, mostly plant- and plankton-based formulation. NoToxMD, his seventh formulation, embodies innovation that works—providing fast, effective results derived from over ten years of rigorous research and development.

Dedication to Natural, Effective Skincare

Driven by over ten years of rigorous research, Dr. Sharad Paul's dedication to merging scientific insight with practical solutions continues to drive NoToxMD forward. His approach is not just about masking symptoms but treating skin health holistically, ensuring that each product not only enhances appearance but also supports overall skin integrity and health.

Under Dr. Paul's guidance, NoToxMD remains at the forefront of ethical, effective skincare, providing products that are safe, natural, and backed by rigorous scientific research.


Dr. Sharad Paul

World renowned skin cancer surgeon, scientist, master formulator and Professor of Skin Biomedical Engineering, is the innovative force behind NoToxMD.